Print Advertising Terms and Conditions
The Publisher will not be bound by any conditions printed or otherwise appearing on contracts, orders, or copy instructions which conflict with the provisions of this rate card or with policies of the Publisher. All orders are accepted subject to acts of God, strike, fire, accident, or any other occurrences of any nature beyond the Publisher’s control which prevent or delay full or partial production, or distribution.
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Advertising is sold only at earned published rates. Contracts, insertion orders, and units for lower rates are accepted.
Advertisements which in the sole judgement of the Publisher, are not immediately identifiable as such must be clearly labeled “Advertisement”.
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The Publisher reserves the right to limit the size of space available to any single advertiser in any single issue. The Publisher also reserves the right both to limit the space available for advertising in any single issue and to refuse to accept advertising (even when submitted prior to the closing date) should the allotted space be filled.
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The Publisher cannot assume responsibility for errors or omissions in key changes.
Frequency Discounts
Frequency rates are determined by the number of display insertions appearing within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion. An advertising schedule of mixed-size ads may be used to earn a frequency discount.
Frequency discounts also apply to marketplace advertising. Display advertisements, marketplace advertisements, cannot be mixed to earn frequency discounts. Unfulfilled contracts will be short-rated to the lowest rate earned.
Combined Frequency
In many cases we do offer combined frequency with other Taunton Press titles pursuant to the guidelines stated above.
Other Discounts
15% discount for “camera-ready” files prepared to our specifications. Ads are not camera-ready if they require more than a key change. Net due 30 days from invoice date. 2% of net discount if paid within 10 days of invoice date. New advertisers must submit payment with first insertion. Credit references are given individual consideration for accredited agencies. Publisher-set ads do not qualify for discounts. A 25% discount is available to advertisers able to produce evidence that they are educational enterprises, i.e., schools. The ad must be for an educational program. This discount is taken from the gross earned frequency rate and the resulting amount is commissionable.
Special Ad Requests
All special advertising requests, such as: inserts, gatefolds, A/B splits, and regional requests will be quoted on an “as requested” basis. All special insertions are subject to limitations as set forth by the publisher.
Cancellations or changes in orders are not accepted after an issue closing date. A previously run ad will be inserted for contracted advertisers whose new ad copy is not received by the closing date.
The Publisher is not responsible for keeping material beyond one year and will discard if return is not requested.
Web Advertising
Call your Advertising Representative for details regarding advertising at 1 (800) 309-8954, or go to,,,, or